Matter of Time
Series of 12 objects
Copper, Glass, Minerals
Our world is changing in a fast and significant way due to globalization and rapid-evolving technology. Progress has been measured by increased speed and efficiency: faster, better and stronger. This has caused a shift in our perception of time. In our fast paced society time seems to fly by. Time has become a luxury product, it is used as a currency.
In reality time has been passing at the same speed for ages. Nature can be seen as the opponent of today’s society. Natural processes are the proof of time. “Matter of Time” combines several of these natural processes in one object. The twelve objects are a representation of one year, consisting of 12 months. Under each of the twelve glass bells there is a stalagmite, which has been growing for a specific amount of time. The engraved rings on the base of each object are inspired by the year rings of a tree and explain for how many months each stalagmite has been growing.
Finally, the copper base on which the stalagmites grow, will gradually change colour over time, due to the oxidation process. The series can be seen as a recalibration of a calendar or clock, but only to be understood/read by taking your time to look at it and to understand the time. The growing process of stalagmites can be seen as a metaphor for time.
In collaboration with Galerie PUUR